That pretty much says it all, doesn't it. The magnificence of globalization...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Top Chef and the Decline of Western Civilization

Tonight was the premiere episode of the new season of Top Chef, probably my favorite of the Bravo reality shows. This one started off pretty good, if only because the two most annoying contestants were promptly kicked off the show. This was somewhat predictable, given the ample screen time allotted them both, but the satisfaction at never having to watch either of them, ever, ever again made up for it.
The program is definitely trumping up one of the contestants as the "Foreigner You Love to Hate" but my early favorite is Eugene--the heavily tattooed Hawaiian who has worked his way up from dishwasher to chef and has never attended culinary school. That differentiated him from the two kicked off last night, who were friends that met at the CIA (Culinary Institute of America, though if they had met at the other CIA that would be much more interesting). But the reason I'm really rooting for him is the uncanny resemblance between Top Chef Eugene and Eugene from The Decline of Western Civilization, Part I--one of my favorite documentaries.

The documentary is currently unavailable unless pirated or in ancient VHS form. You can find most of it on YouTube. Here's part one of "Part I" with Eugene's brilliant first interview:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Obama, Boffo!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Opie, Andy, and the Fonz for Obama
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Radio Royalty
It's from the LA Times and you can find it here.
If I don't get to keep my Internet radio, I will expire.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pick Your Own Electoral Map
>2008 Election Contest: Pick Your President - Predict the winner of the 2008 presidential election and enter to win a $500 prize.
These are my predictions for the 2008 election. I started with Kerry 2004, then added a few that seemed to have shifted (CO, NM, VA, NV, IA, OH). Then, I gave FL to Obama because I think Sarah Silverman's Great Schlep will pay off.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sarah Silverman's "The Great Schlep"
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
TPMtv: McCain, Letterman, Palin, Couric
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Precaution Before Salvation

Where do you draw the line between ironic pleasure and poetic appreciation? For me, it's right here.
Chelsea Lately, Finally
Great format. I think she actually does a better of running a nonsense roundtablethan Bill Maher does--granted she's dealing with 2nd rate comedians rather than 2nd rate celebs and the occasional intellectual.
The sketch in last night episode about a psychologist was off the charts funny. Clips TK if I can find some ones I especially like.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
TPMtv: Sunday Show Roundup: Better Vetting Late Than Never
one of the clips i'm looking at for my next flow column on the aesthetics of blogger tv
2 Scenarios, Both Bad.

I've been watching lots of the Weather Channel lately, and it's been almost as scary as hearing evangelicals rave about Sarah Palin. This morning a couple of interesting things:
One of the channel's Weather forecasters discussed two key different scenarios for Hurricane Ike: 1) a low pressure system moves quickly thru the US, and Ike goes northerly, from Corpus Christi to north of Houston. 2) the system doesn't have that effect and it goes from northern Mexico to north of Corpus Christi. Now, this was alarming for a couple of reasons: 1) Corpus Christi is included in both scenarios 2) the second scenario, which has the effect of destroying Corpus Christi, more or less, was basically lauded as more favorable than if it were to hit Houston. Ouch. So that's what it feels like when we talk about how it would be better if it would just go into Mexico rather than the US...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
"The sexism that implies that someone cannot stand up to reporters because she is a woman is appalling. This entire pick, of course, is incredibly sexist, and the handling of her in the last week the most sexist double standard I have ever seen in American politics. Can you imagine Hillary Clinton saying she wasn't going to answer questions for two weeks? Or Margaret Thatcher? Or Kay Bailey Hutchison? Or Elizabeth Dole? And none of these women were ever as close to global power as Sarah Palin now is. This is getting to Manchurian Candidate levels of creepiness. It's deeply sinister and slightly terrifying."
Friday, September 5, 2008
Palin vs. Fey?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Something to think about.
And by "view" they mean literally view...quite interesting to see perspective of convention like this. You really get a better sense of the overwhelming presence of the crowd.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Latest article:
My article on convergence, the sitcom, and Nick's hella successful tween sitcom.
"Woe be to the Flow columnist that sets out to write about how convergence is changing television comedy without acknowledging what might be the biggest success story of convergence comedy, the Nickelodeon sitcom iCarly.
Now, iCarly might not be this media scholar’s preferred convergence culture, but it is most certainly his 10-year-old daughter’s. It is what she is watching repeatedly on the DVR or on a laptop at her friend’s house, and it is the overflow she is reading online by following characters’ blogs that may or may not tie in directly to the episodes she knows by name..."
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
I use the wells fargo online website almost everyday to check my account balance. I can usually run home after a spending spree and it has already shown up on my online activity. This is absolutely new media because it allows me to get my information immediately and without having to go to the atm to check it. Also it eliminates credit card statements because I can access that on the website as well. I think this website has made me a little ocd about my accound activity but it has also kept me from overdrawing.
Katelyn McCullers, replace lowest grade
No Time For Internet
Bethany Woodard replace lowest blog grade (the missing one if at all possible) Thank You! :)
YouTube is a site where people who have created videos may post them and leave comments or blogs as to what they have viewed. Everything from home created videos, to commercials, to clips of movies can be accessed through YouTube. This site is a form of new media in the way that things that could once only be accessed through our televisions can now not only be watched on our computers, but can also be email to friends or shared in blogs. The thing that this site allows only for new media is that personalization and "talk back" can both take place. This site allows for personalization in the way that things we have created can be posted on the site and shared with people from around the globe. It allows people to have the ability to talk about the videos by being able to leave comments on the actual YouTube site, or people can post them in other blogs (as we do here) have have people leave their thoughts and comments on those sites. Networking can happen through the site by being able to leave comments and have others read your thoughts. If people wish to get in contact with you to discuss your comments they can and so YouTube allows people to meet others and see others ideas.
Erika White-Offer, 5 points on exam
Extra credit-Musicovery
Musicovery is an interactive webradio that allows you to choose the types of songs you feel like listening to. It is so unique because you can set the mood to energetic, dark, positive, or calm. You can also choose to increase or decrease the tempo or dance, so that it can help you discover what you are looking for. From your selections, it then gives you all the genres of music to choose from. You can select them all or you can select as many as you want. Another awesome thing about this website is that you can choose the decade from 1950s-2000s.
By using this webradio, you are able to listen to all kinds of songs and also discover music that is not just mainstream. I regularly use this website because it's free, it's perfect for parties or if I just feel like hearing random music other than the traditional radio. I found this website on one day when I was randomly searching the internet. This website offers many opportunities for personalization because it gives you the option to ban songs or mark them as your favorite songs on your list.
Daphne Clement, exam bonus points
Extra Credit
Stumbleupon is a toolbar that you can download for free on your web browser. It allows you to choose your interests and in takes you to random websites for your particular taste. The web pages can be kept in your favorites or if you don't like a web page, you can simply click on the stumble button to take you to a differnt page, like channel surfing.
I usually use stumbles web page to change my types of interests in order to search according to what I feel like seeing. I use this site at least three times a week to take up time when I'm bored. I also like discovering new websites I've never seen before.
This website offers personalization in a way that you can customize your personal interests to surf websites. It also lets you have a profile to where other users can link up to your page and look at a list of your favorite websites with similar interests. You can meet people and give or receive recommendations of cool websites.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tori Fitzsimmons, exam bonus points
Extra Credit Blog
A website I visit regularly is It is a celebrity gossip website. I read it purely for entertainment purposes. I get the juicy gossip on celebrities, which I have to admit is a guilty pleasure of mine. I think its hilarious. It really doesn't serve any other purpose. The site is interactive. It offers users an opportunity to comment on the stories and read what other users have to say. You can also email your favorite stories to your friends. It definitely provides material for users to gossip with each other about, which is a social networking component. It is a prime example of new media. Although, there are telveision shows providing the same stories, there is a level of interactivity on the website that is impossible to get from tv.
Catherine King, replace blog grade
Extra Credit/ CNN.COM
I view at least three or four times a day. This website offers most everyday national news. I am constantly on the computer. This website lets me know what is going on in the world. I don't really don't have a chance to watch news on television. I use this website to learn about entertainment news, weather, just everyday happening in sour society. It's amazing how many times the headlines change throughout the day. I like that it has the Corpus Christi weather on the top of the page. At the bottom of the page it also has a section of Corpus Christi news. This website allows me to know what is going here as well. You can also post a blog on this website.
Lori Enriquez
5 Bonus points on Final
Extra Credit Blog- is a website that has different sorts of science news regarding groundbreaking developments in health, environment, animals, technology and space. It has different articles on these subjects and my favorite part is the "top 10" features they have. It's not a lot of reading but I still learn a lot.
Even though I'm not a science major, I like to go to this site to read random articles and now that I've found MySpace and Facebook a bit boring, I go to this one everyday because there's always something new that is interesting as well as educational. I've used this site to find random facts about a subject, I use it for entertainment since I sometimes don't have much to do at work.
This website lets you be a member of it and you can actually receive emails on your favorite stories and sections. It doesn't enable to keep in touch with people, you just know what's new on the website.
Nikte Flores, exam bonus points is a website that is made up of video and audio posts. The individuals that post information on this site cover a large spectrum of people. Some of the different types of people include students, musicians, and even religious leaders.
Some of the ways I use the website include viewing various video posts for entertainment purposes (watch music videos and view clips of television shows), stating my opinion on different comments that have been posted, and for educational reasons. I use this site because there is so much media material on it that you can just about find anything your looking for. In other words, if you can think of a topic to search for on this site, your bound to find it, or find something that is very close to it.
The site allows people to interact with others in ways like leaving comments on peoples' video posts and leaving your own video responses. There is also a community that classifies different information for people to interact with specific types of information.
Chris Gentry, exam bonus points
Extra Credit
Craigslist is a site that people can go on to post things that they have that others may want. It’s all localized so you can do your search by your state and city. You can seriously find almost anything you want or need on here, and you can rid of stuff that you don’t want or need anymore. It’s way better than Ebay and sites where you don’t see the product until you’ve already paid for it.
So I don’t normally use Craigslist so often, I lately I’ve been checking it like 4 or 5 times a week. This is because I’m moving into a new place that is bigger then the one that I’m in now and I need inexpensive furnisher that isn’t cheap to fill it up.
This site is a great example of new media because it allows the users to decide what they want to post about and what they want to look at. People post jobs, personal ads, houses, even services (like new places to get beauty treatments done). There are tons of discussion forums for anything you want to talk about and there is even a craigslist blog. There’s also the socialization that occurs when you respond to ads and when you meet up with people to get what you need.
Kim McComas, replace blog grade please. is the Major League Baseball Associations main web page. From this page you can access loads of information about your favorite teams, players, and trades going on in the game with up to the minute news and notes from some of America's top baseball writers. I'm not sure if you all have noticed but I pretty much wore a baseball cap to school everyday representing my favorite team the "Chicago Cubs" and as long as we remain in first place I'll wear it till the end of the year.
I use this site to check on the Cubs status in the NL Central Division and the stats of my favorite Cub players. Not only do I use this site to monitor the Cubs I also use it to monitor the other teams in the division and around the league. I use this site this way because I am deeply rooted in the game of baseball. I've been a life long fan since I can remember and I see no end in the immediate future. Through this site you check highlites from games around the country and also get up tp the minute scores and statistics from all around the league. The highlight's contain outstanding plays from around the league from every game in every stadium.This new brand of media lets the fan closer and more informed in the game than ever before. I can't imagine reading about sports highlights after having them readily available at my finger tips for the past three years.
Through I've also ordered my favorite jerseys, including a cubs jersey with my personalized last name on the back. In addition to jerseys you can also order caps and other souvenirs. Oh yeah, if you pay just $100 dollars you can watch every game all year long right from your computer; not so good if your a college student trying to write a blog and you keep getting interrupted by all of the days baseball action.
On there are hundreds of blogs and chat rooms and there are even player blogs from big leaguers. This component allows for fans to interact with fellow fans and players, as well as chat about all the action on the field. Overall this website incorporates several different types of media into one simple user friendly interface that even I can use.
Kevin Peterson, Replace low blog grade please (the one I missed preferably). Thanks Peace Out!
Extra Credit Blog
Yes, this is the web site for new upcoming Fallout game. And yes I check it about 3 times a week to see whats new. To say the least, this is a great game. It combines the 1950s style of "everything is 'A' OK", and matches it with the reality of nuke war. Very funny! The first two games were very good and if you have not played them you should give them a shot.
I check up on the web site because it has been almost 10 years sense the last game came out and now that they are finally making a new one I like to seen if there is any new content or up dates as to how the game is going to be played. They also have a list of all the links to other Fallout fan sites that are fun to go and see what fans are doing in say-Russia or Germany. In addition, they have reviews from the different people that are making the games that are interesting.
There definitely is a social component to the site. There are links to the different fan sites as well as a posting board where you can talk to people about the game or other aspects of the Fallout world. Non of this would be possible in the old media. This is a great sit and I recommend you look it over and spend a little time in the Fallout world-you will like it.
Ethan Thompson, exam bonus points please.
Extra Credit Blog is a website strictly dealing with the weather nationally and locally. There are updates about the weather throughout the day along with video broadcasts of the weather.
I use this site to stay informed about the weather in my area and the areas of my family members. I also use this website to stay informed about the weather because it is always changing, which is why it interest me so much. This site gives hourly, 7 day, and 10 day forecasts, showing graphs and columns to give the weather and percentages of changes that could occur. This website is neat because you can search a zip code and it will give you the weather for that area instantly. Like most webstites they have videos of different stories and articles posted mostly by google. There is not a social networking component because this site is to inform its viewers of facts, not have opinions of what people think that the weather is going to do.
Lauren Self
bonus points toward final exam please.
TVCulture vs FOXSoccer
I visit TVCulture about three times a week! It is a great blog website, where you'll find blogs of different things, from Family Guy episodes, to blogs about the amazing Pandora website, not to mention, suck-up blogs about this particular website...whoohoo!! Students who register, can post their blogs and comment on other students blogs. Polls are posted as well from time to time, and even though "The Dark Knight" has recieved more votes than it should, the polls give us an idea of where we stand as a classroom. You can also find an archive list of past blogs, so if you do not see your blog on the homepage, you can always find it under the archive.
This website is not so much individually personal, given the fact that only about 25 people ever look at this website, and your name is stamped on every comment and blog you post, but it is personal to all of us, and it gives everyone a good feeling seeing that cheesy blinking Television Set, that probably no one owns anymore and which this blogger might just tattoo on his chest, because we know it's not just a grade we want, but a form to express ourselves...
Rolando Davila, an "A" on the Final... :) :)
seriously now.... (Just in case the top one wasn't "fair-use")
Soccer (futbol) is my passion and my life, so I rely on to inform me of what goes on in the soccer world! I visit the site everyday, becuase everday there is something going on in soccer. The homepage gives you the latest news about certian teams, clubs, players, transfers, managers, etc. On the top you can also find tabs, of each region around the world. So after you read the millions of articles about Cristiano Ronaldo's ambigious transfer, you choose your favorite region and it gives you the news about that certain region. There is also videos news, photos, interactive forums and blogs.
The reason I like this website also is that, it allows fans to comment on each news article, photo, and video. Soccer is the passion sport because of the fans, so it is very interesting on the comments some people post and the arguments that go on cyberly. All you have to do is register, make up a name, and start interacting. Another neat thing, is that you can register to get news sent to your e-mail, right when they post it on the website! So if you are registered for that feature, you can be the first to know if C. Ronaldo will be leaving Manchester United!
Rollie, extra points on the final please....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I constantly go to because I like searching for books. I enjoy looking at the different kind of books that you can get from them, as well as searching for rare books and books for special projects for use in the classroom. I have ordered from them and they are a really great source for books; any kind of books.
I was searching for a rare copy of a book that my sister had gotten from my grandparents; I looked at the information inside the front of the book, and with the year, and title and author I was able to find out that her book was an origin copy and if I wanted one it would cost me almost $100. I still want to get that book, but maybe when the funds are available.
If you need books...Alibris is the place to find them. They are just a great source for information on purchasing books, or just what is out there. It's cool.
Becky Sanchez, Bonus Exam Points
The web site is the official national football website. You can pick your favorite teams logo at the top and then you can go their home site and look at the game schedule, about the players, comments and even watch games online if you are not in front of a TV. You can even go through and buy official gear from their store and look at the charts and data from previous games and players.
I mostly use this website to look up information about my team. If they are trading someone I want to read the press release and see who they are signing. I also look up the game schedule so I can know when they play next and most importantly I use tit to watch the games online while I am at work.
This site can offer you to log into what is know as Fan Zone which you can personalize and make it your own. There is also a message board where there are a variety of different topics and you can engage in back and forth talk with other fans and even read comments and talk with the general manager of the teams and players themselves. You can make your self heard. Also after a game has just finished you can go and watch video clips that are from locker room interviews as well as highlights and recaps of the game; so it is a continuation from TV to the internet.
Ashley Bridges, Exam Bonus Points
Radio Y Online music
Toddrick Garley replace blog grade!
Seeing the World
I check this site several time a week and theres no real other reason than it's because i'm a travel freak. I love mobissimo because they are like many other 'Cheap flights' site and they pull together different airfare prices for several different companies. I like them over the rest because they have a wider variety of airlines that are not typically searched. I used to use Sidestep but they resently stopped filtering for American Airlines and they are one of the nations largest airlines, so of course i want them listed.
Mobissimo is also different from many other booking sites because it offeres "MobiFriends", MobiHeadlines"(which gives you news that could affect your travel such as the featured headline "Iraq to Open New Airport in Hopes to Promote Tourism"),Newletters, MobiActivity (which lets you search by some activity you want to do ie beaches, gambeling, cricket etc), featured profiles, blogs and good deals on resent search results other users have found. This is taking it from just a 'find fare' web site to more of a travel community.
By having all of these things offered, it turns it into a more interactive site that involves more people and more mass communication about a centralized topic. By creating a whole profile it can refine your likes, dislikes, home airport, dream spot, desireed destinations and then find cheapest fares for you or also connect you with people who have already been where you want to go; therefore providing tips and external resources. They advertise this as "Meet fellow travelers from around the world , Trade tips on favorite hotels and restaurants ,Share your plans, make your trips more social". Next time you want to get away, check it out because Basically i <3 Mobissimo.
Victoria Murray, Exam bonus points.
Pandora is a personalized radio online, where the stations only play music you like. By typing in a favorite artist or song Pandora will make a radio station that explores just that part of the music universe. Anyone can use Pandora for free online or on your mobile.
I use pandora mainly at work or when I am doing homework online to drown out all the noise around me. If a song is played on the radio station that you thoroughly enjoy you can rate it or even bookmark it. I like to listen to Pandora because it is a way to hear new music because the radio blows now a days.
On Pandora you can search and invite friends to join the site. I invited my father and now I share new artists with him that I think he would enjoy, and we also leave little comments on each others page just saying HI and what not. A Pandora user can make a profile, share a current station with a friend and find other listeners. Also, this radio station online has a blog that I read sometimes. Pandora has also teamed up with the iPhone and iTouch, and about 30 other mobile phones with either AT&T or Sprint to listen on the go.
ERIN TODD, exam bonus points
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Thursday Night Line-up
1.) ABC: Drama, Medical Drama, Reality
CBS: Reality, crime drama, action
CW: supernatural drama, supernatural,
FOX: reality, reality,
NBC: reality, horror drama
2.) Block Programming:
-FOX has block programming consisting of reality shows on Thursday nights. The shows are: Don't forget the Lyrics, So You Think You Can Dance
-ABC has a drama block consisting of Ugly Betty and Grey's anatomy
-CW has a block that consists of supernatural dramas, the shows are Smallville and Supernatural.
Counter Programming:
One ocassion of counter programming is between ABC, CBS, CW, and FOX. Each station has a different genre between 8 and 9pm.
For example, we have Ugly Betty (drama) on ABC, Big Brother (reality) on CBS, Smallville (supernatural drama) on the CW, and Don't Forget the Lyrics(reality) on FOX.
A second example would be between ABC, CBS and NBC between 10 and 10:30. ABC offers Hopkins, a medical reality show, CBS offers Flashpoint, an action drama; NBC shows Fear Itself which is a horror story sitcom.
3.) FOX targets a younger audience between 8 and 10pm by showing reality shows. The CW targets both a young audience and a more mature audience by showing Smallville and Supernatural. Smallville is targeting the younger audience and Supernatural targets a more mature audience but still a little young.
4.) Grey's Anatomy is on ABC at 9:00pm, and So You Think You Can Dance which would be the equivalent to Dancing with the Stars, and is a big show as well is on FOX at the same time.
Both being successful shows, they have to compete against each other.
Nikte, Marcus, Victoria
Friday Night Showings
2.) The networks put the shows together based on who may be watching them and both block progamming and counter programming can be seen on the Friday night line up. On CBS, the entire line up is drama shows for the prime time viewers. Although, these dramas may provide action or suspense in them as well, we can see these are quite serious shows in comparison to WWE Smackdown. ABC on Fridays shows a movie and then 20/20. If movie were to be a drama, then the line up on ABC would be all drama shows across the prime time line up. CBS and ABC are both displaying networks that use block programming to target its audience. They are providing their viewers with a particular type of program and provide this for the entire evening, expecting them to watch television from the beginning of the evening until the local evening news comes on. Networks use block programming to attract a certain audience and hold onto them all evening.
3.) While CBS starts their Friday night with the drama Ghost Whisperer, NBC begins with the show Most Outrageous Moments and while Fox may show a movie, The CW is starting with the WWE Smackdown! These shows are different types of shows on different networks at the same time. Networks do this in order to attract different types of audiences. These are two examples of counter programming. Networks do this so that while one may be trying to attract families, another can attract the adults of a household. This is done in order to bring in different types of people to programs and gain viewers.
Networks display other similarties than genre for the Friday night programs. On CBS all the the shows are not only dramas, but they are all drama sitcoms. They attract viewers each week to keep up with what is going on in the program. The programs also have the similarity of attracting a certain audience. Both Fox and ABCare trying to attract an adult or family audience with the Friday Movie Night. CBS is drawing in on the adult audience and NBC is hoping to pull in a family audience with funny home video shows like Most Outrageous Moments. None of these networks are trying to brand an identity of only showing a certain type of show because on other nights their programming is quite different. These networks show the shows they do on Friday nights because they know the majority of the population that is home on Friday nights are either older adults or families with young children and so the shows must be suitable to fit the age groups. There is no point in showing young hip shows like Grey's Anatomy on Friday night when most young people are not going to be home.
4.) None of the top rated shows for the 2007-2008 season or for last week are shown on Friday night. The shows that are on television are dramas or family friendly shows. The networks are competiting to fit the older and family age groups, which is why they show the dramas and family shows, or show movies. The top rated shows do not need to be shown on Friday nights because the majority of the population is not at home on Friday night. There would be no point in showing the best shows at that time.
Group: Erika, Rollie, William
Sunday Night Programming
1.) ABC-Comedy, Teen Drama, Reality Makeover Show, Sitcom
CBS- News, Reality, Game Show, Crime Drama
CW- Sitcoms
FOX- Comedic Sitcoms, Cartoon Comedies
NBC- News, Sports
Monday Night Programming
ABC-reality show and reality competition
CBS-sitcom and crime drama
CW-teen drama and local programming
Fox-crime drama, hospital drama, and local programming
NBC-reality competition
Block programming:
ABC has a block of reality shows from 8pm to 10:30 pm. The shows are High School Musical: Get in the Picture, Wanna Bet?, and The Mole.
On CBS, there is a block of sitcoms between the times of 8 pm and 10 pm.
The names of the shows are The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two & a Half Men, and The New Adventures of Old Christine. These programs are block programs because they are of the same genre and they are aired one after the other.
Counter programming:
One counter programming situation takes place between ABC and CBS between 8pm and 10 pm.
ABC shows the reality television programs High School Musical: Get in the Picture and Wanna Bet? The CBS programming is a line up of sitcoms. The shows are The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two & a Half Men, and The Adventures of Old Christine. This is an example of counter programming because it allows people to have a choice. For example, if someone is tired of watching reality television on ABC, that person can switch to watching sitcoms on CBS for a good laugh.
A second example of counter programming takes place between Fox and NBC. Fox provides drama programming between the time period of 8pm to 10pm, while NBC provides reality competition programming during the same time period. This particular set of counter programming gives viewers a very dynamic choice to choose from. If someone feels burned out on watching dramas like Bones or House M.D. on Fox, they can choose to watch American Gladiators on NBC in order to watch something filled with action and excitement.
3.The CW seems to be targeting a teen and young adult audience. The CW wants to show that it can still provide decent programming for young people. In the case of CBS, the network wants to improve their image by showing funny sitcoms in order to attract a much larger audience.
There are top rated shows on this night of television viewing. The shows are House, CSI:Miami, and Two & a Half Men. ABC, CW, and NBC are competing with CBS and Fox. CBS shows Two and a Half Men at 9pm. ABC is trying to counter this program by showing the game show Wanna Bet? during this time slot. NBC wants to counter Fox's television show House,which is aired at 9pm, by showing American Gladiators during the same time slot.
Chris, Lauren, and Tori
Extra Credit
Musicovery is an interactive webradio that allows you to choose the types of songs you feel like listening to. It is so unique because you can set the mood to energetic, dark, positive, or calm. You can also choose to increase or decrease the tempo or dance, so that it can help you discover what you are looking for. From your selections, it then gives you all the genres of music to choose from. You can select them all or you can select as many as you want. Another awesome thing about this website is that you can choose the decade from 1950s-2000s.
By using this webradio, you are able to listen to all kinds of songs and also discover music that is not just mainstream. I regularly use this website because it's free, it's perfect for parties or if I just feel like hearing random music other than the traditional radio. I found this website on one day when I was randomly searching the internet. This website offers many opportunities for personalization because it gives you the option to ban songs or mark them as your favorite songs on your list.
Daphne Clement, exam bonus points
Wednesday Night Programming
1. Criminal Minds & CSI:NY because they are similar shows being shown on ABC one after another.
2. Wife Swap & Supernanny because they appeal to a certain demographic audience.
Counter Programming
1. Supernanny & Criminal Minds because they are both being shown at the same time on different stations.
2. Criminal Minds & The Pussycat Dolls because they are different types of shows on different stations.
Between 8:00 and 9:30 ABC is showing Wife Swap and Supernanny, both of which target women and families. The network seems to focus on the inner structure of the family, wife, dog, and baby for the types of programming they are choosing to show.
Top-Rated Shows
For the Weekly TV Ratings, America's got Talent comes in first, So You Think You Can Dance comes in fifth and Criminal Minds comes in seventh place. Fox is airing So You Think You Can Dance at 8:00 and NBC is airing America's Got Talent at the same time. America's Next Top Model is also being shown on the CW at 8:00 as well. They are all using reality competiton shows to compete with each other.
Tuesday Night Programming
ABC-game shows
CBS-crime dramas and a reality show
CW-reality show and teen drama
Fox-reality show and medical drama
NBC-game show and reality show
Block and Counter Programming
Examples of Block Programming:
ABC shows Wipeout followed by I Survived a Japanese Game Show, both of which are game shows.
CW airs Beauty and the Geek followed by Reaper. These shows are geared toward a younger, teenage audience.
Examples of Counter Programming:
Between 9:00 and 9:30 pm, all five channels show different kinds of shows. ABC airs I Survived a Japanese Game Show, which is a game show. CBS airs Big Brother, a reality show. CW shows Reaper, a teen drama. NBC airs America's Got Talent, which is also a reality show. However, this one is based on talent as opposed to drama, so it is geared towards a different audience.
Another example of counter programming is CBS. At 8:00 pm it airs NCIS, a crime drama, when the other four stations are showing reality shows.
Other Similarities
Although the two shows CW airs on Tuesday nights are not in the same genre, they are targeting the same audience, teens. The same idea applies to NBC. Celebrity Family Feud is a game show, and America's Got Talent is a reality show. However, both shows are based on competition. ABC shows two game shows with the same concept, humor. These two shows are targeting people who just want a good mindless laugh.
Top Rated Shows
2007-2008 Season
#8 House, and #14 NCIS are not in direct competition with one another. They are at diiferent times on different networks.
Weekly TV ratings
During House(#10) NBC airs America's Got Talent(#1). CBS seems to be trying to compete with NBC by airing their own reality show, Big Brother, in this time slot. Both CW and ABC are engaging in counter programming by airing a teen drama and game show respectively. At 8:00 ABC shows Wipeout (#2). CBS counters by airing their own top rated show, NCIS (#6), in the same time slot. The other networks seem to be in greater competition with ABC as they all air a reality based show at the same time.
Thursday Primetime Lineup
ABC- Drama & Reality
CBS- Reality & Drama
CW- Teen Dramas & local Programming
FOX- Reality Competitions & Local Programming
NBC- Reality Competition & Horror Drama
Block Programming: On FOX Don’t Forget the Lyrics, a reality competition show, comes on from 8-9pm, and it is followed by So You Think You Can Dance, also a reality competition, that shows from 9-10pm. The CW also has block programming from 8-10pm with Smallville followed directly by Supernatural. Both of these shows are teen dramas.
Counter Programming: Counter programming occurs on ABC, CBS, and the CW from 8-9pm. ABC shows a comedy drama, Ugly Betty, CBS shows a reality show called Big Brother, and the CW shows Smallville which is a teen drama. Another example of counter programming occurs from 10-11pm between ABC and CBS. ABC shows Hopkins which is a reality real-life hospital show, and CBS shows a drama called Flashpoint. These shows are very different and obviously trying to appeal to different audiences.
CBS seems to be targeting crime drama groups with the programs aimed at a more mature audience. FOX’s programs are more lighthearted shows that the family can watch together, and they have an emphasis on reality programming. The CW shows are targeting a younger demographic. They seem to want to be known as the station for the younger crowd. ABC’s programming is targeting people in their 20s-30s, a younger professional audience with a slightly edgier take.
CSI on CBS was rated #9 and Grey’s Anatomy on ABC was rated #10 for the 2007-2008 season. They are both top rated drama programs but CSI is a crime drama and Grey’s Anatomy is a hospital drama. Both shows are on from 9-10pm so the networks obviously were trying to appeal to different audiences while putting their best shows against each other. So You Think You Can Dance on FOX was the #8 rated show last week. It also comes on at the same time as CSI and Grey’s Anatomy, but it differs from the other two because it is a reality show. FOX tried to go in an entirely different direction using reality instead of drama.
Kim McComas, Ashley Bridges, Becky Sanchez, Bianca Morin
Tuesday TV Schedule
ABC -Reality Competition
CBS -Drama and Reality Competition
CW -Reality and Drama/Comedy
FOX -Reality and Drama
NBC -Reality Gameshow
Block Programming:
On ABC, Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Game Show are both reality competition shows on a single network back to back. On NBC, Celebrity Family Feud and America's Got Talent are both consecutive competition/game shows on a single network as well.
Counter Programming:
Wipeout on ABC which is a reality competition show is on during NCIS on CBS is an action/drama show. Both of these shows are programmed from 8 to 9 and are different types of shows to attract different audiences. Also, Big Brother a reality competition show is programmed during House M.D., which is a medical/drama. Both these shows are programmed from 9 to 10, and CBS and FOX are trying to attract a different audience with each show.
One similarity between these programs besides genres is that the programs appeal more to an audience that wants a good laugh. Either it be from Wipeout, I Survived a Japanese Game Show, or America's Got Talent these are all humorous shows. Also, one similarity between each network is that they all have some sort of reality show, whether it be a reality competition or a love reality, each offers a great reality show.
ABC and NBC brands itself with reality shows, which have been gaining more of an audience. Also, FOX has more of a drama identity whether it be with a reality or sitcom.
2007-2008 End of Season:
#8 House(FOX) and #14 NCIS(CBS) - Both are dramas yet these two shows are not competing with each other because they are on at different times and different networks.
Weekly TV Ratings:
#2 Wipeout(ABC), #1 America's Got Talent(NBC), #6 NCIS(CBS), and #10 House M.D.(FOX)
Wipeout and America's Got Talent are not competing with each other either because they are programmed at different times and with different networks.
ABC and NBC are programming 1.5 hour reality shows during a 1 hour of House to appeal to a completely different audience. Also making the reality shows longer so maybe the viewers from House can catch the last 30min. of the reality shows. Also, during NCIS(CBS) every other network are programming a reality show. This is more of a competition between the reality shows if a viewer does not want to watch NCIS.
Erin and Mike
1. Genres
ABC- Reality and Drama
CBS- News, Reality and Drama
CW- Drama, Sitcom and Comedy
FOX- Sitcom, Reality and Local Programming
NBC- News and Action
2. Two examples of block programing:
On FOX ,Till Death airs from 7-8:00pm, and The Simpsons airs from 8-9:00pm. Both of these shows are sitcoms and are shown back to back.
On CW Everybody Hates Chris is shown at 8:00pm and at Aliens in America comes on right after at 8:30pm. Both of these shows are sitcoms.
Two examples of counter programing:
On NBC, Football and Desperate Houswives are considered counter programming because they attract different audiences. Desperate Houswives is a drama while Football is considered action.
On ABC, America's Funniest Home Videos which is a reality show is shown at the same time that NBC shows Dateline NBC which is news.
3. ABC, CBS and FOX all seem to have reality shows. Being that it is Sunday, I feel that they are trying to target families to watch these shows. All these reality shows are different and funny to watch. Also, I noticed that CBS and NBC both have news on at the same time. I believe they are targeting an older audience.
4. Desperate Housewives on ABC was rated #6. NBC Sunday Night Football was rated #11. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was rated #20. Both Desperate Housewives and NBC Sunday Night Football are both shown at the same time. One show is a drama while the other is pure action. I believe that ABC is trying to appeal to women to watch Desperate Housewives, because NBC is aware that most men will be watching football.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Baby Mama vs. The Day the Earth Stood Still

In Baby Mama, the elements that are most emphasized are the actors and what kind of characters they are depicting in the movie. It seems by the look on their faces that this is going to be a funny movie. The poster also has a lot of bright colors, which gives off the comedic and lightheartedness of the movie. The poster for The Day the Earth Stood Still has a more serious feel to it. The main element that is shown is the intriguing imagery both with the big moon being over the city, and the people who are walking towards it. It uses a lot of dark colors with gives off the more dramatic, almost epic feel.
Baby Mama is a comedy. The comedic genre seems very prevalent to selling the movie. The Day the Earth Stood Still seems to be more of an action/suspense genre. Obviously, the darkness of the poster gives off a more dramatic feeling with little or if any comedy. It does seem to be important in the way the movie is being sold.
Baby Mama seems to be targeting more women than men. From the poster, one can tell it is about a woman who has a surrogate mother to have her baby. So, it may even be targeted to mothers, expecting mothers, and even grandmothers. Since it is a comedy, it also seems to be targeting younger people as well. The Day the Earth Stood Still target audience comes off as just the general public. Other than the names of the two actors, there really is no way of seeing who directed it or what the rating is. It comes off as being sort of an "epic" film that could be geared towards everyone.
Baby Mama's tagline is "Would you put your this basket?" The tagline suggests that is a comedy and that it is about motherhood. It also tells of how the woman (Tina Fey) who wants the baby, is a little unsure about the woman (Amy Poehler) who is to be the surrogate, who comes off a little to silly and quirky. The Day the Earth Stood Still does not have a tagline, but because of the imagery in the poster, it seems to be relying on its dramatic/suspense feel.
Lauren, Chris, Tori
27 Dresses & Pineapple Express

Tracy Roquet, Lori Enriquez
Some key elements about 27 Dresses were that the dress that the main character on the poster is wearing is made out of words, it would mostly be considered a "chick flick", and the actress is smiling confidently in the picture. In Pineapple Express, the poster depicted violence, that it was more masculine, and the actors on the poster had various expressions on their faces.
The genre of both films is definitely shown in the posters. 27 Dresses would be considered a drama/comedy while Pineapple express would be an action/comedy. The actress in 27 Dresses is again smiling with confidence in what seems to be a formal dress. This shows that the movie could be funny, but still including drama being that the main focus is a girl. Girls love drama! The Pineapple Express poster has one guy laughing, one guy with a confused sort of look on his face, and one guy with a determined look. They are all carrying guns and they look pretty dirty so it is concluded that it would be a comedy/action movie.
27 Dresses is targeting women and Pineapple Express is targeting men. This is because the 27 Dresses poster has a girl with a dress on. Women love dresses! Pineapple Express has guns and men that look filthy. This relates more with men because they love action.
The tagline of 27 Dresses is "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride." It helps sell the movie because women tend to be more interested in watching emotional situations. The tagline of Pineapple Express is "Put this in your pipe and smoke it." It suggests something illegal that men would most likely consider entertaining.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Chronicle of Narnia-Prince Caspian and Day of the Dead

Ashley Bridges, Bianca Morin, Becky Sanchez
Blog: Movie Posters
Key Elements:
The elements that were most emphasized on the “Day of the Dead” poster were the picture and title; they were shown to attract an audience who are interested in horror movies. The director is also added at the top with the mention of another movie he directed in the same genre: “Halloween H2O.” “The Chronicles of Narnia – Prince Caspian” poster shows the younger actors who are in the movie in a “fantasy” type picture to attract the younger audience who likes fantasy.
“Day of the Dead” – Horror
“The Chronicle of Narnia – Prince Caspian” – Young Adult Fantasy
They can attract viewers.
Both posters are targeting a particular audience. “The Day of the Dead” poster is to attract an audience who enjoy watching horror. “The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian” poster is targeting an audience who are younger, for example young adult and younger who are interested in fantasy.
“Day of the Dead” has the tagline “D-day is coming.” It helps by instilling fear. The other poster didn’t have a tagline.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua and Brideshead Revisited

Victoria, Niktay, Marcus
Key Elements:
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
The two chihuahuas are most emphasized on a stage, they have bling and admirers on the side. The dogs are being made to look like the center of attention. By Disney, looks like silly kid and family comedy. It also seems as if the dogs that are around the two main dogs in the center, seem ready to bow down to anything the other two dogs say. Almost like of since of getting ready for war.
Brideshead Revisited
The key elements are maybe some drama in a relationship, high society scandal, and focuses on the actors in a costume old fashioned era. The woman in the hat at the top of the poster seems to be emphasized since her picture is larger than any other picture on the poster. It seems that she is the main character in the story and that the story probably revolves around her.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
The genre seems to be a comedy that attracts to little children first because of all the dogs make it seem like dog heaven. It also could be action because in small print it saids "50% warrior" with two dogs in the front that seem to be the king and queen over all the dogs. In this instance, it doesn't seem that the genre is important in this post because the dogs themselves attract your attention right away. Also it saids it is a Walt Disney production who usually makes children type movies.
Brideshead Revisited
The genre in this poster seems to be a period drama movie. The reason for this is how the three characters at the bottom of the poster are close together and hugging each other as if they needed comfort. Also the woman at the type looks like a luxurios woman who may potential cause drama for the three characters below. Yes, the genre is important in this poster because it seem like the type of movie that is designed to touch you emotionally.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
This poster is mainly targeting kids and families with kids. The reason being is that there are dogs talking. It is not necessarily a cartoon, but the fact that there is animals being animated adds the fanasty element to it.
Brideshead Revisited
This poster seem like it is targeting women because you can tell it is a drama and a romance movie thus, most women would be interested in this movie. It could also be targeting a general audience by showing the some action and medieval times plus the literacy element that can come into play.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
The tagline is at the very top of this poster and reads "50% Warrior. 50% Lover. 100% Chihuahua." Based on the tagline, there is not much we can see or know about the movie, but when it is incorporated within the poster we can see more what it's about.
Brideshead Revisited
The tagline of this poster is "Privilege. Ambition. Desire. At Brideshead Everything Comes At A Price." From this tagline, we can see and get a good feeling at what the movie is going to be about. We can tell it will be a deceitful movie and that the characters will have many problems to deal with.
Posted by: Marcus H.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Stop-Loss

Key Elements
Forgetting Sarah Marshall:
The main elements emphasized in the poster is the large blue broken heart. The heart is not only broken into two pieces, but it is also broken into multiples sections. There is even a small piece laying on the floor next to his feet. The color of the heart can also be taken into account. For instance, when a heart is typically viewed in a graphic form it is pink or red, but in this poster is it blue; which implies suffocation, loneliness and is a color in the cold section of the color wheel. Jason Segel is the only character that is pictured in the poster; he is even in the very center; which implies that the movie is fully centered around this one character. Another key elements would be would be the advertise method of using almost half of the heart to portray other popular movies the directors have previously done; this is done to entice hesitant movie watchers to watch this movie as well.
Stop Loss:
For the movie Stop Loss there is not one defining key element. There is a group of people lounging around an old rugged four door Lincoln town car. There is an American flag superimposed in the background with soldiers even intermingled throughout the transparent image. Without viewing the movie the audience can assume that the main character is most likely the man sitting on the edge of the car; he is the only one wearing white, and the only one with graphics boldly printed on his T-shirt “Army”. A cowboy hat on Ryan Phillipe’s lap implies that this movie is set in the southern section of the Country; in particular Texas. The characters are as worn as the vehicle they are centered around. The main colors used in the poster are that of the American flag (red, white and blue), plus black. Illustrating a patriotic darkness.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall:
The poster of this film surely signifies a clear understanding of the movie as being categorized in the Romantic Comedy genre. There is a large blue broken heart illustrating that it is about romance and a goofy sad man holding the heart providing the comic aspect of the film to be visible through the poster. The genre definitely is used to advertise the movie. For instance, in a quick-stumbled date decision it would be easy for the couple, or audience to see that this would be a safe funny movie, non-controversial and entertaining.
The genre of this movie seems to be slightly more ambiguous, but leading towards a first glance of action drama. This interpretation can be justified be the patriotic symbolism displayed consistently throughout the poster. The group of friends with the army scene imposed in the background implies the present action, and the young and modern adults signifies that it is a current issue. As we all know, the societal issues of today are very controversial and instigate dramatic tones.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall:
The audience of the first movie would be closer to a dating scene or a group of casual friends. Since it deals with love, and (as most romantic comedies do) it will probably close with a happy ending. It has a pretty broad target audience because if it’s relationship nature, it allows for almost anyone to relate to the film’s characters.
The audience of the second film is much more specific, since many people just by looking at the poster would rule it out in many movie watching situations. For instance, it is fairly obvious that it will be about a controversial issue involving young people and the military; thus, it will not be a chipper movie night with friends movie as well.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall:
There is a tagline in this poster. “The Ultimate Romantic Disaster Movie”, however it is not the main captured element, since it does not need to be. The poster itself is very straight forward, simple and clear to the audience. Plus, the general romantic comedy has a typical plot line that can only be twisted in so many ways. The tagline suggests it would be ridiculous fictional, and funny. It does not seem to be a leading advertisement for the film, since it is some of the only font in black on the blue heart. Making it almost difficult to read and easily overlooked.
The tagline of this movie is much more visible, “The bravest place to stand is by each other’s side”. It suggests that the movie encompasses a conflict within a group of friends, or their environment and that they will have to learn how to use each other to make it through their dilemmas. It helps sell the film by showing the dramatic side of the movie, and reassuring the audience that there is a possibility for a happy ending.
-Kevin Peterson, Taren Shelton and Daphne Clement
Indiana Jones and Burn After Reading

Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Burn After Reading
In the poster of Indian Jones, the elements that are most emphasized are historical adventure and ancient time. The actor Harrison Ford is emphasized because not only is the image of him the main focal point but the fact that he is a familiar film star makes him recognizable. The other elements that are portrayed are the age of the characters and the exotic element because of the demographics displayed.
In the poster of Burn After Reading there is an element of mystery and depicting crime and it also emphasizes name recognition because of the bold names being displayed.
For the movie Indiana Jones, the genre would be adventure and it is important for the movie to be sold because it targets audiences that like action packed movies. The fact that one character is on a motorcycle, one is carrying a sword, and one is running from what looks like an army of people shows how much action will take place during the movie.
For the movie Burn After Reading, the genre would be mystery and it is important for the movie to be sold because it is portrayed in its simplicity and it creates curiosity which will draw viewers to want to watch the movie. There really is no certain clue that explains what the movie will be about except that there is a spy and a man holding a gun which shows that some time of crime will most likely occur during the movie. It leaves the viewers with a sense of curiosity.
The Indiana Jones movie targets the older audience due to it being a sequel. This is because the movie makers want to see if the hype of the expectation from its previous films live up to what is being portrayed. The movie also wants to catch the attention of all the people who have seen the previous Indiana Jones movie by showing all of the character on the poster whether they are new or old.
Burn After Reading is targeting an older audience as well and to those who are intrigued with organized crime and possible esponage. This is because the only picture shown is a spy and an arm holding a gun. This represents that the movie will probably be geared more toward a mature audience due to crime.
There is no tagline for the movie Indiana Jones.
The tagline for Burn After Reading is "Intelligence is Relative". This suggests that high intellect is required to figure out the mystery being portrayed. It helps sell the film because those people who are curious about things will be drawn to watch this movie so that they can have a chance to figure out a mystery.
Sex and the City vs. August Movie Posters

Sex and the City
The elements most emphasized in this poster are the title and the main Character, Carrie. In fact, they are the only elements of the poster.
In this poster the actor is emphasis. Another element emphasized is the city setting.
Sex and the City
The poster advertising the movie doesn't really clue the viewer into what genre the movie is. There is only one person on the poster, and the title consumes the majority of it. A person who has never seen the show wouldn't know what the movie was about, other than it has something to do with sex. However, the character on the poster is laughing, and the one color on the poster is a bright one, which could be associated with a lighthearted film.
This poster gives more away about the genre of the film. Judging by the intense look on the actor's face in the poster, the movie is suspenseful. The poster itself is rather dramatic, which is most likely done to coincide with the movie's dramatic tone.
Sex and the City
This poster is targeting women. The only color on the poster is a bright pink, the majority of which sparkles. The character on the poster is dressed in a fabulous pink dress, which is the only other thing emphasized in color, which is also bright pink.
This poster is for a more general audience. There is no clear distinction of specific audience it is meant to appeal to. The presence of the attractive actor may interest women, while the suspenseful tone may appeal more to men. However, the general mystery of the poster is intriguing anyone.
Sex and the City
The tagline on the Sex and the City poster is "Get Carried Away". Fans of the show understand that this is a play on words with the name of the main character, and probably think its cute and clever. However, for people who have not seen the show the tagline is effective as well. It implies that the movie is fun, and something the viewer can escape or get lost in.
When we first looked at this we didn't see a tagline. However, after a second look we discovered there was one at the very bottom that read, "Comes Just Before The Fall". We thought that this was just describing when the movie was coming out, but it is actually the tagline. This adds to the overall mystery that the poster implies. It definitely adds to the effect of the poster...once you figure out what it means.