Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Radio Royalty

Finally, after much digging, I was able to find a news article that does a decent job of explaining the different royalties that get paid for music on the radio (broadcast, satellite, Internet).

It's from the LA Times and you can find it here.

If I don't get to keep my Internet radio, I will expire.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pick Your Own Electoral Map

<p><strong>><a href=''>2008 Election Contest: Pick Your President</a></strong> - Predict the winner of the 2008 presidential election and enter to win a $500 prize.</p>

These are my predictions for the 2008 election. I started with Kerry 2004, then added a few that seemed to have shifted (CO, NM, VA, NV, IA, OH). Then, I gave FL to Obama because I think Sarah Silverman's Great Schlep will pay off.