Top Stories
1. Israel Swaps Terrorist for Remains of 2 Soldiers-includes pictures and video
A man convicted of murdering an Israeli man and his young daughter and 4 other prisoners are released in exchange for the mutilated remains of 2 Israeli soldiers.
2. Slain Mom's Cars, House Searched-includes pictures and video
The home and vehicles of a North Carolina woman who was killed were searched in order to gather evidence for an ongoing murder investigation.
3. House Atwitter Over Blogging Rules-includes an image and video
Texas representative, John Culberson is worried that new rules for Internet usage will affect communication with his constituents.
4. Red Planet Closeup-includes pictures
New photos of Mars provide more evidence that there was once water on the planet.
Most Popular/E-mailed articles
Foxnews.com does contain a list of most popular and most emailed articles. However, while the most popular are listed on the home page, the user must click on an article in order to view the list of most e-mailed articles.
Neither the most popular or most emailed articles are consistent with the top stories. Most of these articles are entertainment news, or ironic, sometimes humorous, news stories. All of the articles are very brief as opposed to the in depth reporting in the top stories.
Nontraditional News Formats/Blogs
On the homepage there is link that takes the user to a list of blogs. There are several blogs listed on this page, http://www.foxnews.com/blogs/index.html
http://onthescene.blogs.foxnews.com/- On the Scene:Breaking News Blogs
As the title suggests, this blog is all about breaking news. The writers of this blog are various reporters.
http://greenroom.blogs.foxnews.com/- Alisyn in the Greenroom
This is a blog, written by Alisyn Camerota, is about the behind the scenes action at Fox News.
http://gretawire.foxnews.com/- GretaWire
In the blog Greta Van Susteren, host of On The Record with Greta Van Susteren, provides topics for users to comment on. Therefore, the real authors of the blogs are the users.
http://weather.blogs.foxnews.com/- Janice Dean the Weather Machine
Janice Dean, meteorologist for Fox News, blogs about the forecast. She does include a brief personal paragraph on most posts.
There are several other blogs available. Most of the authors are reporters or experts in the subject of the blog.
Discussion Boards
Users of Foxnews.com can comment on any of the articles as well share them through e-mail or post them to a myspace or facebook page. However, this site also offers a Fox Forum. In this forum some of the most opinionated contributors post editorial articles for the users to discuss. The discussion of these articles seem to be related directly to the article rather than the author themselves. They don't seem to have a conversational flow. Rather, they are individual opinions posted with no relation to one another. Users do not seem to comment on another user's comment.
Multimedia Content
Foxnews.com contains several images and video clips. There is a link on the home page to take the user directly to the list videos on the site. http://www.foxnews.com/video/index.html
The source of all of the videos is Fox News. The clips are played directly form the site.
i dont agree with the war. i think it is a waste of time and people are just dieing for no reason. i blame all of this on Bush. He is the reason people are dieing and he really doesn't care.
In class we have discussed bias in the news and other forms of media and Fox News is the prime example. An obvious right wing stance on politics is shown through their web site and various media outlets with headlines such as "Confessions of and anti war democrat: Memories of a purple finger". With headlines like these it's obvious to notice a media outlet with an agenda who creates more news that it reports.
I like the Fox news site better than the others because of the topics they cover, which the rest of the pack over look. It is not that CNN, News week or the rest are bad sites, but that the writing "feels" slanted in one direction all the time. Having read the previous posts for Fox News I take it that I am correct in my judgement. I will keep returning to the Fox site for information because if anyone has a more even handed approach to information I believe it to be Fox news.
Foxnews.com is one of the few websites i would personally use. this website is easy to read, the color scheme is pleasent to the eye and it's format is centrally located for easy access to information.
I find it interesting to see what articles are the most emailed. I think that's what shows our individuality; most people see news stories, top news stories, and it's really interesting to see what it is that really captures someone's attention that they feel they have to share with others. This is another easy site to navigate through. Great site.
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